Alright! We finally got snow! We've been anticipating snow, in this area, for the past month or so. Until today, we got very very little.
News weather said that we had snow in the forecast so I went to bed excied, of course! I remember waking up at 2am and checking the weather outside, only to find rain. Went back to sleep with no hopes. Then waking up again at 6am noticing the different sounds coming from outside, I took another peak out the window and all I could see was white. So excited, I couldn't go back to sleep thinking of how I'd be taking photos and where I'd be going. Well, the snow did not let up. Instead, got heavier and snowed until 5 this evening. I really didn't want to chance getting my camera or lenses wet so my day of photography was shot. I did try at the park right nextdoor but sure enough, could not do much with only two hands.
Instead, ended up taking a short walk around the neighborhood with my cellphone. These are two shots that I managed to get. Nothing very special but gives you an idea of the snow fall we had.
03 February 2008