While shopping around Yodobashi Camera, I accidentally found an end-cap full of filters for cellphones. There were several different types: Polarizer, Wide angle, Haze, Center Spot, Orange, Fog, Star and a bunch of others. At ¥915 a piece.....yeah, a little pricey for a piece of plastic so I only picked up the wide-angle filter. The whole thing attaches to your cellphone like a strap so to have it with you at all times. It has a cord that stretches out further than it needs to. You could probably stretch it out far enough and attach it to the cellphone of the person that's sitting next to you on the train or bus.Taken with Sony DSC-S650
Anyway, the filter is all plastic (housing and filter). It comes with a rear cap but no front one. The rear cap is there to protect the grey-gummy (kind of reminds me of Slime) adhesive used to attach the filter to the lens. The cap protects it from most dust but I noticed that when it's in my pocket, it collects a lot of pocket dust on the side of the gummy stuff. The good thing is, if it gets too dirty, just wash if off with water and it sticks like new again!
BTW: My cell is a dinosaur (in cellphone age) Hitachi W41H (2.1mega-pixel), AU.Taken with Sony DSC-S650
Here's a few of my samples that I took this past week.
It is best to stick the filter in the dead-center of the lens. Otherwise, if you're as careless as me, you'll get a heavy vignette on one side and not the other like I did in this sample. Besides the vignette, the quality of the shots kind of suck too. Being only 2.1 and crappy to begin with, the filter just adds to that crap!
Serious flare on the corners and real noticeable in darker places. BTW: I was hungry for sushi but after seeing the prices at this restaurant....ramen was the final choice!
Regardless, it is still the coolest thing I have found so far for my cellphone. I will most likely go back to get different filter and give it a try. That's all I need, is a bunch of cellphone filters attached to my cell phone...making it bulkier than the phone itself.
Oh and also, it works GREAT on the iSight camera that's built-in to the newer Apples!!!!
29 May 2008
Wide-Angle filter (or lens?) for cellphone lens - My cheesy little review.